Apartments Save $56,250 After AlertAQ™ Detects Water Leaks

Minto Apartments, a long-time Alert Labs customer, installed Alert Labs solutions at over 40 buildings and saved more than $100,000 (see Property Management Company Saves $100,000 With Water Flow Sensor).
By using the water insights and alerts provided by the AlertAQ™ water intelligence platform as well as Alert Labs cellular-connected water sensors, the real estate company saved an additional $56,250 after 3 water leaks were detected at 2 of their properties.
All of these water leaks probably would have continued until the end of the summer when we turned off the water feature & cooling towers.
<p align="center" class="body2"> - Joanna, P.Eng, LEED AP BD+C, Director - Sustainability and Innovation, Minto Properties</p>

Over the summer, AlertAQ™ notified Minto Apartments of the following 3 water events at 2 different apartment buildings: Apartment 1 is a 370,515 sq. ft building with 501 suites and Apartment 2 a 95,000 sq. ft. apartment building with 148 suites. See table for a summary of the water leaks.

Alert Labs solutions are helping property and facility managers at multi-family buildings across North America reduce CO2e emissions and save millions of dollars.