Real-time Water Use Info Now Available in Classic Roman Numerals

Alert Labs, manufacturer of award-winning smart building sensors and the AlertAQ™ water & HVAC intelligence platform, announced the release of the much-anticipated Roman numeral update to AlertAQ™. Minute-by-minute water use data such as the flow rate of leaks and water saved will now be displayed in the classic numbering system on the cost-saving platform. Additionally, measurements for volume such as the sextarius and unciae will be available for users’ convenience.
The move to convert all metrics to Roman numerals is in response to repeated requests for the feature. Curiously, all the emails making the requests were written in Latin.
The move is not without its critics, most notably the Visigoth, Haduswinth Geselric, who boasts of the superiority of his runic numbering system. However, the Alert Labs team disagrees.
VP of Engineering and Project Lead, Carolus Griseo-Terra, explained the rationale for the update, “Embracing Roman numerals was the obvious choice. When I tell you that Alert Labs has helped save over 5.4 billion gallons of water, that’s well and good. But you only truly begin to understand when you see that displayed as VMMMMMMMMMM”
In addition to the change in numbers, AlertAQ™ will also display new currencies such as pounds of salt and aureus as well as the months of Quintillus and Julius.