Class A Office Building Stops $500,000 in Water Damage

April 19, 2024
Exterior of office building with overlay of a phone showing a phone call that says Flood Alert!

A 150,000 sq. ft., 15-story office building located in a major metropolitan area in Texas averted a costly water damage disaster thanks to an instant water leak phone call from the AlertAQ™ water intelligence platform.

By catching the leak before it went beyond the 13th floor, we saved an estimated $500,000 according to our insurance provider.
— Executive Vice President

Top Down Water Damage Stopped

At 9:47 AM on September 18th, the on-duty facility manager at the Class A office building received an automated phone call alerting them to a leak under a kitchen sink in a conference room on the 13th floor. The exact location of the leak was included in the phone call because Alert Labs water leak sensors can be custom labeled.

The maintenance team member who was sent to respond to the leak discovered that a gasket was failing. This caused water to leak down the wall and pool on the floor of the cabinet. Because the leak was hidden behind cabinet doors that are seldom opened, it is likely the leak would have continued for a long time causing major water damage in the process.

The AlertAQ™ platform records all water leaks including time, date, location and current status. The fast response time to this leak saved over $500,000.

Water Loss Prevention Strategy for Insurance Companies

The building in this success story is insured by a national insurance carrier working with Alert Labs to improve their water loss prevention strategy. To date, the insurance carrier has saved over $60M in averted water damage losses.

Reduce water damage claims and keep buildings in your portfolio open for business with AlertAQ™