Alert Labs Receives Honorable Mention at BGIS Global Supplier Innovation Awards

Alert Labs, whose IoT sensors and AlertAQ™ water and A/C intelligence platform help protect buildings from water damage and reduce operating costs, was a finalist for the BGIS Global Supplier Innovation award and received an honorable mention as part of An Inspired Future 2023, an annual conference run by world-leading, integrated facility management solutions provider, BGIS.
One of more than 60 global applicants, Alert Labs was highlighted during the 9th annual conference as a provider of innovative solutions for BGIS clients to help detect water leaks before damage can occur.
The fact that Alert Labs solutions have saved BGIS clients over $2,000,000 in water costs, and that the AlertAQ™ platform tracks water use minute-by-minute, automatically generating reports for Sustainability professionals also contributed to Alert Labs’ honorable mention and finalist standing.
Alert Labs solutions are helping commercial, institutional, industrial, and residential buildings across North America.
The winners of the BGIS Global Supplier Innovation Awards were:
Other honorable mentions included:
To learn more about the AlertAQ™ water & A/C intelligence platform, visit