Apartment in Sacramento Detects 576,000 Gallon Leak with AlertAQ

AlertAQ helped us quantify and resolve the huge leak we had. Every day Alert Labs water solutions are helping us avoid significant water costs.
- Patrick Tully, President, Bitwise Properties
About Arden Town apartments
Arden Town is a two-story, garden-style, multifamily community with 81 units in Sacramento, California. Patrick Tully, President of Property Management Firm: Bitwise Properties, installed Alert Labs water solutions at the apartment to better understand why the water bills were so high.
Result: 26% reduction in water use in 1 month
A few days after installation, minute-by-minute water use data from AlertAQ showed that the high bills were due to a leak of 576,000 gal/year.

To isolate the cause of the leak, Patrick and his team used a combination of water use information from AlertAQ and good old fashioned property management work. He and his team turned various water systems on and off such as the sprinkler system. Then, Patrick viewed the water usage data on the AlertAQ water intelligence platform and identified the cause: a leak in the meter vault just past the city service. Bitwise Properties continues to monitor Arden Town with Alert Labs water solutions and has avoided subsequent high water bills due to leaks.
Alert Labs can help with minimizing water damage, lowering water water costs and improving sustainability at your organization's apartments, condos, commercial real estate or any building that uses water.