Dashboard Tips: Get The Most Out Of The Building Insights Dashboard

The past year has been hard for everyone including those who own or manage buildings. We hope that the new Building Insights Dashboard features released this year will help make it easier to take care of your buildings, manage water usage more cost effectively and minimize the risk of water damage.
Property tags
Now you can organize your properties using flexible tags to help you better analyze performance and operating expenses of groups of assets. Organize by region, by property size, whether irrigation lines exist, etc. Tags also unlock future functionality like the new Water Reports (see below).
How to use
Properties Tab > Click/Tap on "<" on the left hand side. Click “+” to create a new tag.

Fleet dash
Prioritize property issues from most to least urgent. This new feature allows you to triage what should be actioned immediately and what can wait.
How to use
Dash Tab

Event notes and prioritization
Document events by making notes of what happened, what caused it, and who fixed it. Learn from incidents and work to prevent them from happening in the future. The priority you set for each note is shown in the Fleet Dash.
How to use
Events Tab > Click/Tap "Add Note" > Type your note and select the priority

Event thresholds: water sensors
Many customers have asked for this feature and now we've delivered. Override the global default threshold for any water sensor, giving you great flexibility across your portfolio.
How to use
Sensors Tab > Click/Tap on name of sensor > Modify settings under Water Usage Thresholds & Alerts

Event thresholds: HVAC
Custom thresholds are also available for HVAC Sensors.
How to use
Sensors Tab > Click/Tap on name of sensor > Modify settings under Notifications

Flood page
Updates to the Flood page allow you to see: how many flood pucks are on the property, whether they are dry or not, when any recent flood occurred, and how long that flood lasted.
How to use
Properties Tab > Click/Tap name of property > Click/Tap tile with "Flood" at the top

Tiered water rates
Track water consumption and sewage/waste water costs separately, include fixed costs, and input different rates based on how much water is used per month. All of these new data points make planning for water costs much easier.
How to use
Property Settings > Click/Tap Water Costs > Click/Tap Tiered Rates

Water reports
Managing water costs is faster and easier with Water Reports. See total cost compared to either the previous period or the previous year, best performer and worst performer for several metrics, and if there has been any leaks, the actual cost and projected annual cost of those leaks.
Water Reports are currently available as a free Premium Beta. To request early access to Water Reports, please fill out the form.
How to use
Reports Tab > Select options from drop down menus > Run report

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for more exciting updates. If you have any questions, please use the speech bubble icon in the bottom right corner of this page to chat with customer support.